The P.O. Box Radio Show
Host: Daniel Greer
Show Schedule:
- Tuesday - 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM
More than just a Rock show, it’s a show that is open format and anything goes, but with a huge focus on what’s new, and what you aren’t hearing anywhere else! We also check in around the country and sometimes around the globe with artists and tastemakers to hear what they are listening to, and our host connects it all together with fun stories and a personal touch.
About the host:
Daniel Greer has been travelling and playing music live his whole adult life, both solo and with his band “The Do Good Badlies”. Performing progressed into promoting, and Daniel became very connected to the independent music scene. Watching so many fantastic bands play live was a huge inspiration. Mainstream radio plays such a small selection of tracks and it is missing out on so much of the great music that can be found in your local theatres and watering holes. Music with feeling, passion, ENERGY, music that brings you to life, that makes you move. Taking on the moniker Postman Dan, Daniel decided to delve into radio. After a few years of sporadically guest hosting at the University of Toronto station, Daniel is thrilled to have a new home and permanent time slot on Hunters Bay Radio, and a chance to share the music he think matters.