Sarah Coombs
Throughout my formative years, often the most positive comment on my report card was “Sarah is a social butterfly” and, in grade two, I got tied to my chair for “talking too much” (seriously). So, I guess you could say it was kismet that I ended up using my voice to make a living. Still, it baffles me that they actually allow me behind a mic every day. During prime time to boot!
I’m a sef-diagnosed dyslexic and I blame my perpetual tardiness on being left handed. I’m a wrangler of tunes (especially Canadian & Indie), I blame FOMO for my endless thirst for knowledge, I love a good squabble and, it’s all I can do to keep myself out of the boss’ office every day, largely due to what I say and play on-air.
Highlights of my career so far include: having an intimate conversation with the boys of Ubiquitous Energy Seekers, being locked alone in a room the size of a closet with Juno Award Winner Steve Strongman while he payed a few tunes, interviewing Johnny Bower and Jason Priestly in the same day and covering the 2010 G8 Summit from the redzone at Deerhurst Resort, alongside Peter Mansbridge and John Stall.
I’ve been in radio for longer than I care to admit and I don’t plan on hanging up the mic any time soon. We might as well get to be friends; I adore Muskoka so, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.
Join me weekday afternoons from 3-6pm, as I spin tunes that'll make you go "ahhhhhhhh, YES!" and tunes that'll make you go "ooooooo, I LIKE!". Plus, I'll give you a chance to win an "Afternoon Delight" (or two).