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District of Muskoka outlines plan to transition to clear bags
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District of Muskoka outlines plan to transition to clear bags

Posted: 2024-07-17 08:10:45 By: thebay

Director of Waste Management and Environmental Services, Renee Recoskie, advised Council about the upcoming change as a part of the launch of the new Waste Management Master Plan.

According to the agenda, discussions about the transition to clear bags in the June 19th Engineering and Public Works meeting emphasized the importance of a communication campaign for community awareness.

Recoskie emphasized that community members will be an important part of evaluating options for making changes for future needs that “resonate with the public.”

She also advised that improving the 60% waste diversion rate is another key area in the Plan, with a goal towards sustainability.

She indicated that the Plan will be launched in three phases:

Phase 1, will start with the Community-based Steering Committee and communication about what’s working and what isn’t, and areas that can be improved. This phase will consider emerging technologies, legislation, and reviewing best practices. It is expected to be launched this month and completed by the first quarter of 2025.

Phase two, will include a focus on future needs and identifying and evaluating options to meet the needs. It is expected to begin at the first quarter and continue until the fourth quarter of 2025.

Phase three will focus on implementation and financial implications of the first 10 years of the Plan. It will begin in the fourth quarter of 2025 and continue until June 2026.

She added that a communication and engagement plan will be established “to inform and guide project actions.” The goal is to provide clear, accessible, and interactive information that will be educational, and results driven. Engagement will be available both online and in person.