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HLOB Fire Dept. warns of dangers of lithium batteries
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HLOB Fire Dept. warns of dangers of lithium batteries

Posted: 2024-04-08 12:02:32 By: thebay

The Huntsville/Lake of Bays Fire Department is raising awareness on lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery risks linked to devices like smartphones, laptops, and power tools.

The Fire Dept. says that residents should be vigilant to prevent fire incidents. Mishandling, such as dropping devices or exposing them to heat, can trigger thermal runaway, leading to fires or explosions.

The Fire Dept. says that warning signs include changes in shape, heat, leakage, or strange sounds and you should evacuate and call 911 if these signs appear.

Recommendations include avoiding storing or charging devices in exit areas, buying batteries from reputable sources, using undamaged charging cords, storing batteries at room temperature, disposing of them properly, and refraining from tampering or modifying them.