Madill Yard upgrades could cost $12 million
Huntsville General Committee was advised that a new facility for the Town’s Public Works Operations Centre, Madill Yard, will cost $12 million, in the July 24, 2024, meeting.
Frank Palmay, of Tulloch Engineering, advised that the building condition assessment of the current facility reported insufficient space, with staff sharing offices, a garage that can’t adequately accommodate the current number of vehicles, an inadequate mechanical system, and a deteriorating building that is not AODA compliant and doesn’t have access to the second floor.
He said that 2021 and 2022 estimates suggested upgrades of $5 million, with $1.5 million for repairs, .5 million for AODA upgrades, and $3 million for an addition to allow for more space.
He added, “Through a needs analysis, through interviews with staff and a review of the growth estimates for the Town, it was determined that the new facility should be designed to include 17 offices, with 21 work stations, locker rooms, a board room, a training room, lunch room, large storage room for the mechanics, wash bay, a mechanic’s bay, and 10 double bays to accommodate all of the current and future vehicles.”
He broke down the estimated project cost as $3 million for offices, $7 million for garages, $1 million for design, and $1 million for contingency, for a total of $12 million.
Councillor, Monty Clouthier, inquired about whether the current location was suitable for building in.
Director of Operations, Randy Bissonette, advised, “Currently, it probably is the best place right now.” He added that to accommodate growth they can consider four quadrants for efficiency in several years, which will also cost a lot of money.
Clouthier added, “I just want to make sure that if we’re spending that much money on a building, if it goes ahead, it’s in the right location and in the future, they’re not going to come back to us – people aren’t going to say, ‘Well, why did you build it there?’”
Deputy Mayor, Dan Armour, expressed concern that these are 2021 numbers. He asked, “What about 2024 to 2025 numbers?
Palmay confirmed the $5 million suggested for upgrading the existing facility were numbers from 2021-2022. He said, “You can probably add about 20% to that for 2024. The $12 million is in 2024 dollars.”
Councillor members inquired whether they could use a phased in approach to the $5 million upgrades, such as adding another addition in 10 years.
Palmay advised that it’s not an efficient way to deal with the matter. He said, “Doing bits and pieces, you’re doubling the work as you go along, so, you’re going to have more mobilization costs and just overhead costs for bringing contractors back several times… Things aren’t getting cheaper day to day, so if we push it off for 5 years that $12 million’s going to end up being $15, $20 million.”
Alcock inquired about whether the $5 million “which is now $6 million” will cover current needs for greater space for the offices and bays if they went in that direction.
Palmay replied that this may double the office spaces, however, not necessarily everything else that’s needed. He said, “It’ll address some of the needs and might address today’s needs but you’re not going to be addressing the growth needs.”
CAO, Denise Corry, advised Committee that staff are considering infrastructure in various areas, including the library, fire hall, and Madill, and that today is for information only.
She added, “This is what we see today. We are having ongoing discussions with staff about whether or not the satellite offices make sense. So, today is certainly not seeking decisions. Today is reporting back.”