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Gravenhurst investigating options for additional general parking at First and Harvey Street location
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Gravenhurst investigating options for additional general parking at First and Harvey Street location

Posted: 2024-02-15 06:56:46 By: thebay

Gravenhurst Council agreed to investigate options for additional general parking at a First and Harvey Street location, in the February 13, 2024, meeting.

Councillor, Penny Varney, received a request from a local business with over 40 employees and 20 vehicles and with limited parking to remove the bus sign at First Street and make it general parking.

Varney indicated that the designated bus stop on First Street that hasn’t been used for years. She said that people have been issued tickets for parking there because it’s a designated bus stop for Ontario Northland bus services.

Councillor, Erin Strength, said she’s been a neighbour to the bus stop location that’s been there for approximately twelve years and has only seen a bus stop there once during that time.

According to the staff report, changes in services provided by Ontario Northland Buses no longer require use of the space.

Strength added, “It would clearly be better used for a vehicle parking spot.”

She also advised that new businesses are opening in the area, which creates more demand for general parking as well.

Councillor, Jo Morphy, inquired about whether overnight parking would be allowed on the street, and whether business fleet would be able to park there permanently.

Director of Development Services, Melissa Halford, advised that overnight parking won’t be permitted, especially in the winter season.

Halford added that her understanding of the business that made the request is that they need the parking for their office staff. Other employees take their fleet vehicles home after work and would be using the general parking in a transitory capacity, such as for loading and unloading.

Mayor, Heidi Lorenz, confirmed that once the space has been converted to general parking it will be for the public as a whole, rather than anyone specifically, and on a “first come first serve” basis.

Staff will investigate details, such as the parking duration and other information and report back to Council in an upcoming meeting with options.

