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Huntsville agrees to consider scoreboard for Conroy Park
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Huntsville agrees to consider scoreboard for Conroy Park

Posted: 2024-04-02 07:42:55 By: thebay

Huntsville General Committee agreed to consider a scoreboard for Conroy Park, in the March 27, 2024, meeting.

The head of the Physical Education Department for Huntsville High School, Ross Clarke, requested the Committee’s support to install a scoreboard at the park for curriculum and team use.

He indicated that it could also be beneficial to other community groups in the Town, such as for soccer and lacrosse tournaments, other events, and can be a good tool to attract visitors, suggesting “if you build it, they will come.”

Clarke previously approached the Committee about the project with a higher cost, evaluated at $91,000, which was denied in the 2024 budget, and he has since changed it to $76,492.

He expressed that it’s a unique situation because the Town owns the park the scoreboard would be installed on, and the school has unrestricted use. Clarke said, “It’s not just an HHS initiative here…with the infrastructure we can bring extra events to the Town.”

He added, “We can host events with a little professionalism in our community.”

Clarke has $20,000 set aside for the project so far, and he indicated that he can get about $4000-5000 from the Huntsville minor soccer and lacrosse teams for a total of $8000. He also has other interested sponsors that would have their logo displayed in exchange for help with the project.

Although there wasn’t a specific financial ask of the Town during the meeting, the school is seeking support in this area.

It’s also a time sensitive project and approval was required to move forward with commitments with sponsors and investigating installation aspects.

Councillor, Jason FitzGerald, said, “I think there’s more opportunity for more sponsorship.”

The Committee expressed enthusiasm about the project and approved the installation of the scoreboard “in principle,” and staff will work with Clarke and HHS to evaluate the location, timelines, and costs, which Clarke can submit for consideration in the 2025 budget.
