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Lake of Bays gets update about new face lift
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Lake of Bays gets update about new face lift

Posted: 2024-06-10 12:49:12 By: thebay

Lake of Bays Council got an update about the progress of their new face lift, in the June 4, 2024, meeting.

Mayor, Terry Glover’s requested the update in the last meeting, and Superintendent of Parks and Facilities, Scott MacKinnon, followed up about the major upgrades that will involve renovations to the Baysville Community Centre and playground, including an outdoor splashpad, and an expansion to the Dwight library.

The Baysville Community Centre upgrade will involve a washroom renovation, including floors, ceilings and painting, and the facility will be closed for two months. The playground will also be upgraded and a splashpad installed. MacKinnon advised that they plan to “break ground in August if things go as planned.”

Regarding the splashpad, MacKinnon said that staff are still waiting to see if they will get a government grant for it. Council has allocated money from the budget for this and the playground, however, it won’t be as much as they would have with the grant.

He added that the project will still go ahead even if they don’t get the funding, however, it will be a woodchip type product designed for playgrounds, rather than the rubberized matting they initially planned for. The wood chips cost a third of the rubber.

The matting is designed to buffer falls. MacKinnon said, “It provides the necessary cushioning for falls… To protect children from concussions.”

Staff are also still waiting to hear back from Trillium Lakelands. MacKinnon advised, “We can’t accept or review anything until Trillium makes their decision.” They expect to hear from them this month.

Staff have begun designing the water treatment system for the splash pad.

In response to questions about whether the water on the splash pad gets recycled, MacKinnon indicated that this would cost another $100,000 given the complexities involved. The current plan is to use treated water in accordance with the Health Unit requirements.

He added, “That water will come from the river and be returned to the river through a system that will dechlorinate it and return it back to temperature.”

Two staff members have undergone training to be licenced to operate a pool to maintain the splashpad.

Council will see the concepts of the splashpad once it is determined what funds they will get. If they don’t get the grant, the splashpad will be scaled down to 1000 square feet from 1500.

Three company proposals have been submitted for the splashpad, and staff will update Council once they get closer to being able to make funding decisions.

The Dwight library expansion is also in the works, including renovations to the washroom, kitchen, and storage space.

MacKinnon advised that a request for proposal has been issued. He said, “We have no idea what really could happen. So, we are putting out a proposal to say, ‘This is the space that we may want, these are some of the main requirements that we have…’”

He added, “We’re hoping that contractors will come forward with conceptual drawings and say, ‘this is what it will look like if we get the contract, and this will be the cost.’”

Mayor, Terry Glover, inquired about whether the library Committee was still fundraising.

Councillor, George Anderson, who is on the Committee, advised that they stopped because they were unsure about whether Council would “be on board with it.” He added, “Now that we’re on-board fully supporting with our reserve the fundraising has begun again and will continue this summer.”

Councillor, Rick Brooks, clarified that construction companies will consider the scope of the staff plans during proposals, “and create a vision of what that will look like,” which will then be referred to Council for decisions.

Glover expressed, “I have every confidence in our staff to build the perfect library with the funds available on time and on budget.”

He suggested that staff return to Council with further progress updates in September. He added, “I don’t want it sitting still.”